Two students might have landed themselves in trouble after they were filmed having sex at a compound in Lagos. According to multiple online reports, the secondary school students were spotted having sex at a backyard in Festac area of Lagos. The pair were filmed in a video which has going viral online. The identities of the students were not given by the Facebook user who exposed them. This is coming weeks after an elderly man was caught on camera while having sex with a secondary student in a mechanic workshop in Lagos. The pair were spotted and filmed from another building close to the workshop. The post END TIME!! Secondary School Students Caught Having Sex In Festac, Lagos (Photo) appeared first on Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website . from Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website via IFTTT
The Islamic State terror group (ISIS) has released propaganda images featuring Zuckerberg in an orange jumpsuit and beheaded including the message “Go to hell Mark”. The group also claimed to have hacked Facebook. The poster includes the message “go to hell Mark”, and is part of a campaign dubbed #OpTheWorld. Sixgill, an online cybersecurity firm, revealed the threats to the Daily Star as ISIS appears to ramp up their hacking operations. A number of other websites have been targeted some successfully according to Sixgill. The so-called United Cyber Caliphate (UCC) recently came together as several pro-ISIS hacking groups. And their activities increased since May, reports from Sixgill say, with East Asian government websites forced offline by their efforts. The hacker’s latest propaganda calls for other groups to target Facebook. In one particular grotesque image Zuckerberg appears beheaded, with a red “hacked” message. The group has also shared screenshots which claim to be of h...
Only a super Genius can interpret this into a statement. Oya, let’s do this! The post If Can Interpret This Correctly, You Deserve To Be The President Of Nigeria (See Photo) appeared first on Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website . from Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website via IFTTT
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